All stories that have been tagged with COSS Professorship

Postdoc Position focused on Data Science in a Computational Social Science Team

«Kann KI den Verkehr und die Mobilität positiv beeinflussen?»

ETH Treffpunkt Science City

Zukünfte, die (Plural)


Smart Cities

Die Gefahr der Künstlichen Intelligenz

Ethik Digital

Samstagsgespräch mit Verkehrsforscher

Co-creation workshop

Participatory Resilience Hackathon

Intelligent traffic lights for optimal traffic flow

Postdoc position in Computational Social Science / Semantic Urban Elements for Cyber-Physical Cities

Wir sind an der Schwelle zur Dystopie angelangt


Interview 2 with Prof. Dirk Helbing

Interview 1 with Prof. Dirk Helbing

Postdoc position in Computational Social Science / Large-Scale Traffic Simulation and Smart Cities

Digital Society Lecture 24.02.2020

Digital Society Lecture 21.02.2022

PhD or Postdoc position in Computational Social Science / More Innovative Cities and Co-Creation

Controlling complex systems with artificial intelligence

PhD position in Computational Social Science / More Innovative Cities and Co-Creation

Postdoc position in Computational Social Science / Large-Scale Traffic Simulation and Smart Cities

Challenge US!

COSS Job Opening

Should we let algorithms make life-and-death decisions?

COSS job opening

Death by Algorithm

Verändern Sie die Welt!

Simon Jantschgi wins an ETH Medal for his Master thesis

Die Guten müssen einfach besser sein als die Bösen

Das falsche Versprechen eines digitalen Identitätsausweises

Digitalisierung kann auch Freiheitsrechte bieten

Die Demokratie braucht ein solidarisches Update

Wir sind an der Schwelle zur Dystopie angelangt

Testeinsatz im Giftnebel

Ethisch sterben?! - Die Gefahr der moralischen Entgleisung

Superscoring: Wie wertvoll sind Sie für die Gesellschaft?

A paradise, but Freezing Cold

Leonel Aguilar awarded as an innovator under 35

Mehr Teilhabe von unten wagen

Grippenet: a participatory system to monitor and fight the Flu.

Prof. Dirk Helbing will present at the Petersberger Gesprächen

Caleb Koch won the CSF Award for best presentation

Student Assistant Position: Web Development

Student Assistant Position: Digital media and Administration

Postdoctoral position in Big Data and Data Science

Two new papers accepted for publication in AINA 2017.

Big Data Study on spread of flu launched by COSS

Student Assistant Postion: Human Interactions in Networked Virtual Environments

Register for the first blockchain and IoT summer school co-organized by COSS!

Register for the conference Build Peace. Tickets are available now

The 2nd International Workshop on Data-driven Self-regulating Systems

The Nervousnet Hackathon already this Friday&Saturday!

We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc in the area of Computational Social Science

Nature Comment: Build Digital Democracy

Delft University of Technology establishes Responsible Digital Innovation Programme directed by Prof. Dirk Helbing

10 PhD Postitions: Engineering Social Technologies for a Responsible Digital Future

Crowd Disaster in Mina/Mecca on September 24, 2015

Postdoc postion: Machine Learning, Artificial and Collective Intelligence

Stellenangebot: Office Managerin /-Manager

Stellenangebot: Projektmanagerin /-Manager mit diplomatischer Erfahrung

COSS Summer Workshop 2015

Bachelor/Master/Semester Thesis: Human Interactions in Networked Virtual Environments

Student assistant position: Distributed Measurement Systems for Mobile Apps

Michael Mäs became an assistant professor at the University of Groningen

PhD Position: Mobile Middleware Systems for Distributed Social Mining

Student Assistant positions: Mobile Middleware Systems for Distributed Social Mining

Bachelor/Master/Semester Thesis: Human Interactions in Networked Virtual Environments

New Name, New Website

Science published the article "A network framework of cultural history"

American Journal of Political Science published the article "Group Segregation and Urban Violence"

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