A contribution by Pournaras et al. was ranked top 5 at the SEAMS symposium.

Evangelos Pornaras, Mark Ballandies, Dinesh Achatya, Manish Thapa, Ben-Elias Brandt contribution titled Prototyping Self-managed Interdependent Networks was ranked among the top 5 contribtions .at the SEAMS symposium.

by Stefano Duca

Evangelos Pornaras, Mark Ballandies, Dinesh Achatya, Manish Thapa, Ben-Elias Brandt contribution titled Prototyping Self-managed Interdependent Networks was ranked among the top 5 contribtions at the external pageSEAMS symposium.

A link to the presentation can be found external pagehere and the publication can be found external pagehere.


This contribution is part of the SFINA (Simulation Framework for intelligent Network Adaptations) project:
Understanding and prototyping complex techno-socio-economic systems with inter-disciplinary, generic and modular simulation models.
For more information about the project, please visit its external pagewebsite.

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